The Volunteer Firefighters’ Benefits Law provides for cash benefits and/or medical care to volunteer firefighters who are injured or become ill in the line of duty.
The local political subdivision pays for this insurance and cannot require the volunteer firefighter to contribute to the cost of coverage. Weekly cash benefits and medical care are paid by the subdivision's insurance carrier in accordance with the law.
A volunteer firefighter loses rights to benefits if the injury results solely from their intoxication from alcohol or drugs or from the intent to injure themselves or others.
Most New York State volunteer firefighters are covered by workers' compensation benefits if they are active volunteer members of an fire company and are injured or become ill in the line of duty.
- Volunteer fire companies that are not under contract with a county, city, town, village or other political subdivision, or that do not wish to become special improvement districts of towns, may provide optional coverage to their workers.
You are eligible if you volunteered to participate in the rescue, recovery and cleanup of the World Trade Center (WTC), between 9/11/2001 and 9/12/2002 and incurred lost wages and/or health related problems due your volunteer work at Ground Zero, Fresh Kills Landfill, the barges, the piers, or the morgues.
You are eligible if you are a spouse or dependent of a volunteer firefighter who passed away in the line of duty or due to an existing compensable injury or illness.
- Dependent children are eligible if they are under age 18, or if enrolled in an accredited educational institution, under age 25 (or other dependents as defined by law).
How to File a Claim
File a Claim with the Workers’ Compensation Board
Mail your completed form to:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
If you have questions about filing Form VF-3, please call (877) 632-4996 and a Board representative will assist you.
Within 90 days of the injury, you must notify one of the following:
- Clerk of the board of supervisors of the county
- Town or village clerk
- Secretary of the fire district or company
- Comptroller or chief financial officer of the city
Whenever a volunteer member offers individual service to another company in New York State but outside the area regularly served by the member’s company or district, and after such services are accepted by the officer in command at the scene, the responsibility for benefits resulting from an injury in the line of duty will be that of the fire or ambulance company (and its political subdivision) which has accepted such voluntary service.
You may use Notice to Liable Political Subdivision of Volunteer Firefighter’s Injury or Death (Form VF-1) for the notification:
A complete list of forms for volunteer firefighters are available on the Workers’ Compensation Forms for Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers page.
Deadline for filing
Claims must be filed within two years of an accident or two years from the date of a death.
طريقة تقديم مطالبة
تقديم مطالبة إلى مجلس تعويض العمال
أرسل النموذج المكتمل البيانات بالبريد إلى العنوان:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
إذا كانت لديك أسئلة حول تقديم النموذج VF-3، يرجى الاتصال هاتفيًا على الرقم (877) 632-4996 وسيساعدك أحد ممثلي المجلس في هذا الشأن.
في غضون 90 يومًا من الإصابة، يجب عليك إخطار أحد الأفراد التالين:
- لموظف الكاتب لمجلس مشرفي المقاطعة
- كاتب البلدة أو القرية
- أمين دائرة مكافحة الحرائق أو شركة مكافحة الحرائق
- المراقب المالي أو المدير المالي للمدينة
حين يقدم أحد الأعضاء المتطوعين خدمةً فردية إلى شركة أخرى في ولاية نيويورك لكن خارج نطاق المنطقة التي تقدم فيها الشركة أو الدائرة الخاصة بالعضو خدماتها بانتظام، وبعد قبول تلك الخدمات من جانب المسؤول المعني في المكان، فإن المسؤولية عن الإعانات الناجمة عن حدوث إصابة أثناء أداء الواجب ستقع على عاتق شركة مكافحة الحرائق أو شركة الإسعاف (والتقسيم السياسي الذي تتبعه) التي قبلت تلك الخدمة التطوعية.
يمكنك استخدام إشعار إلى التقسيم السياسي المسؤول بشأن إصابة عامل إطفاء متطوع أو وفاته (النموذج VF-1) لتقديم إشعار.
توجد قائمة كاملة بالنماذج الخاصة بعمال الإطفاء المتطوعين في صفحة نماذج تعويض العمال الخاصة بعمال الإطفاء المتطوعين وعمال الإسعاف المتطوعين.
الموعد النهائي للتقديم
يجب تقديم المطالبات في غضون عامين من وقوع الحادث، أو عامين من تاريخ الوفاة.
কীভাবে অভিযোগ দায়ের করবেন
ওয়ার্কার্স কম্পেনসেশন বোর্ড বরাবর অভিযোগ দায়ের করুন
আপনার পূরণকৃত ফরম ডাকযোগে প্রেরণ করুন এই ঠিকানায়:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
ফরম VF-3 দায়ের করার বিষয়ে আপনার কোনো প্রশ্ন থাকলে, অনুগ্রহ করে (877) 632-4996 নম্বরে কল করুন এবং একজন বোর্ড প্রতিনিধি আপনাকে সাহায্য করবেন।
আঘাতের 90 দিনের মধ্যে আপনাকে অবশ্যই নিম্নলিখিত কাউকে অবহিত করতে হবে:
- কাউন্টির সুপারভাইজার বোর্ডের কেরানি
- শহর বা গ্রামের কেরানি
- ফায়ার ডিস্ট্রিক্ট বা কোম্পানির সেক্রেটারি
- শহরের নিয়ন্ত্রক বা প্রধান অর্থ বিষয়ক কর্মকর্তা
যখনই কোনো স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সদস্য নিউ ইয়র্ক স্টেটের অন্য কোম্পানিতে পৃথক সেবা প্রদান করেন কিন্তু ঐ এলাকার বাইরে নিয়মিতভাবে তার কোম্পানি বা ডিস্ট্রিক্টের দ্বারা সেবা পান এবং এই ধরনের সেবাগুলো ঘটনাস্থলের অফিসার ইন কমান্ডের দ্বারা গৃহীত হওয়ার পরে, দায়িত্ব পালনকালে ঘটা আঘাতের জন্য সুবিধার দায়িত্ব হবে দমকল বা অ্যাম্বুলেন্স কোম্পানির (এবং এর রাজনৈতিক উপবিভাগের) যারা এই ধরনের স্বেচ্ছাসেবী সেবা গ্রহণ করেছে।
নোটিফিকেশনের জন্য আপনি স্বেচ্ছাসেবী দমকল কর্মীর আঘাত বা মৃত্যুর জন্য দায়বদ্ধ রাজনৈতিক উপবিভাগের প্রতি নোটিশ (ফরম VF-1) ব্যবহার করতে পারেন।
স্বেচ্ছাসেবী দমকল কর্মীদের জন্য ফরমের একটি সম্পূর্ণ তালিকা এই লিংক থেকে পাওয়া যাবে- স্বেচ্ছাসেবী দমকলকর্মী ও স্বেচ্ছাসেবী অ্যাম্বুলেন্স কর্মীদের জন্য কর্মীদের ক্ষতিপূরণ ফরম পেজে।
অভিযোগ দায়েরের সময়সীমা
দুর্ঘটনা বা মৃত্যুর তারিখ থেকে দুই বছরের মধ্যে অভিযোগ দায়ের করতে হবে।
Cómo presentar un reclamo
Presente un reclamo en la Junta de Compensación Obrera.
Envíe su formulario completo a:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
Si tiene preguntas acerca de cómo presentar un Formulario VF-3, por favor llame al (877) 632-4996 y lo ayudará un representante de la Junta.
En el plazo de 90 días desde la lesión, debe notificar a uno de los siguientes:
- Secretario de la junta de supervisores del condado
- Secretario municipal
- Secretario del distrito o compañía de bomberos
- Contralor o director financiero de la ciudad
Siempre que un miembro voluntario ofrezca un servicio individual a otra compañía en el Estado de Nueva York, pero fuera de la zona en la que presta servicio regularmente la compañía o el distrito del afiliado, y luego de que dichos servicios sean aceptados por el oficial al mando en el lugar de los hechos, la responsabilidad por los beneficios derivados de una lesión en el ejercicio de sus funciones será la de la compañía de bomberos o de ambulancias (y su subdivisión política) que ha aceptado dicho servicio voluntario.
Puede usar el Aviso a la Subdivisión Política Responsable de la Lesion o Muerte de Bombero Voluntario (Formulario VF-1) para la notificación.
Puede encontrar una lista de formularios para los Trabajadores de Ambulancia Voluntarios disponibles en la página de Formularios de Compensación Obrera para los Bomberos Voluntarios y los Trabajadores de Ambulancia Voluntarios.
Fecha límite de presentación
Los reclamos deben presentarse en el plazo de dos años a partir del accidente o desde la fecha del fallecimiento.
Comment déposer une demande
Déposez une demande auprès de la Commission des accidents du travail (Workers' Compensation Board, WCB)
Envoyez votre formulaire complété à :
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
Si vous avez des questions sur le dépôt du formulaire VF-3, appelez le (877) 632-4996 pour demander l'aider d'un représentant de la WCB.
Dans les 90 jours suivant le préjudice, vous devez en informer l'une des personnes suivantes :
- Le greffier du conseil des superviseurs du comté
- Le greffier de la ville ou du village
- Le secrétaire de la brigade ou de la compagnie de pompiers
- Le contrôleur ou le directeur financier de la ville
Lorsqu'un membre volontaire offre un service individuel à une autre compagnie dans l'État de New York, mais en dehors de la zone régulièrement desservie par la compagnie ou la brigade du membre, et après que ces services aient été acceptés par l'officier commandant sur les lieux, la responsabilité des prestations résultant d'une blessure dans l'exercice de ses fonctions sera celle de la compagnie de pompiers ou d'ambulances (et de sa subdivision politique) qui a accepté ce service volontaire.
Vous pouvez utiliser l'Avis à la subdivision politique responsable en cas de blessure ou de décès d'un pompier volontaire (formulaire VF-1) pour en faire état.
Une liste complète des formulaires pour les pompiers volontaires est disponible sur la page Formulaires d'indemnisation des travailleurs pour les pompiers et ambulanciers volontaires.
Date limite de dépôt
Les demandes d'indemnisation doivent être déposées dans les deux ans qui suivent la date de l'accident ou du décès.
Kijan pou Depoze yon Reklamasyon
Depoze yon Reklamasyon nan Komisyon Aksidan Travay
Voye fòm ou fin ranpli bay:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
Si ou genyen kesyon sou fason pou depoze Fòm VF-3 an, tanpri rele nan (877) 632-4996 epi yon reprezantan komisyon an pral ede ou.
Nan espas 90 jou ou fin blese, ou dwe avèti youn nan moun sa yo:
- Grefye komisyon sipèvizè konte an
- Grefye vil lan oswa vilaj lan
- Sekretè distri a oswa konpayi an
- Verifikatè oswa direktè finansye vil lan
Nenpòt moman yon manm volontè ofri sèvis pèsonèl bay yon lòt konpayi nan Eta New York lan men deyò zòn konpayi manm lan oswa distri a kouvri souvan an, epi aprè ofisye k ap kòmande ki an plas la fin aksepte sèvis sa yo, responsablite avantaj ki gen rapò ak yon blesi pandan w ap travay se pral responsabilite konpayi ponpye a oswa anbilans (ak filyal politik li) ki te aksepte sèvis volontè sa yo.
Ou kapab itilize fòm Avi nan Filyal Politik ki Responsab Blesi oswa Lanmò yon Ponpye Volontè (Fòm VF-1) pou resevwa notifikasyon.
Yon lis konplè fòm ponpye volontè yo disponib sou paj Fòm Konpansasyon Aksidan Travay pou Ponpye ak Anbilansye Volontè yo.
Dat Limit pou depoze a
Yo dwe ranpli reklamasyon yo nan espas de (2) lane yon aksidan fin pase oswa de (2) lane moun lan mouri a.
Come presentare una richiesta di indennità
Presentare una richiesta di indennità alla Workers' Compensation Board
- Compili il modulo VF-3, "Richiesta di sussidi per vigili del fuoco volontari" Volunteer Firefighter's Claim for Benefits (Form VF-3)
Spedisca il suo modulo compilato all'indirizzo:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
In caso di domande relative alla compilazione del modulo VF-3, chiami il numero (877) 632-4996 e un rappresentante della WCB le fornirà l'assistenza di cui ha bisogno.
Entro 90 giorni dall'infortunio deve darne comunicazione a una delle seguenti figure:
- Funzionario del consiglio della contea (Clerk of the Board of Supervisors)
- Funzionario comunale o del borgo (Town or village clerk)
- Segretario del comando o della compagnia dei vigili del fuoco
- Supervisore dei conti (Comptroller) o responsabile finanziario della Città
Ogni volta che un volontario offre un servizio individuale a un'altra compagnia dello Stato di New York, ma al di fuori dell'area regolarmente servita dalla compagnia o dal comando del volontario, e dopo che detti servizi sono accettati da un ufficiale al comando sul posto, la responsabilità dei sussidi risultanti da un infortunio nell'adempimento del dovere sarà della compagnia di vigili del fuoco o di ambulanze (e della relativa suddivisione amministrativa) che ha accettato detto servizio volontario.
Può utilizzare il modulo VF-1, “Comunicazione alla suddivisione amministrativa responsabile dell'infortunio o del decesso del vigile del fuoco volontario" (Notice to Liable Political Subdivision of Volunteer Firefighter's Injury or Death, Form VF-1) per la comunicazione.
Un elenco completo dei moduli per i vigili del fuoco volontari è disponibile alla pagina “Moduli di richiesta d'indennità per infortuni sul lavoro di vigili del fuoco volontari e soccorritori volontari" (Workers' Compensation Forms for Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers).
Scadenza per la presentazione
Le richieste di indennità devono essere presentate entro due anni dall'eventuale incidente o due anni dalla data del decesso.
청구서 제출 방법
Workers' Compensation Board에 청구서 제출
작성한 양식을 다음 주소로 우편으로 보내세요.
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
양식 VF-3 제출에 관한 질문이 있는 경우, (877) 632-4996번에 전화하면 Board 담당자가 도와 드립니다.
상해가 발생한 날로부터 90일 내에 다음 중 한 곳에 통지하셔야 합니다.
- 카운티 감독위원회(Board of Supervisors)의 서기
- 타운 또는 마을 서기
- 소방 구역 또는 회사의 간사
- 시의 감독관 또는 최고 재무 책임자
뉴욕주에서 의용대원이 자신의 회사 또는 지구가 정기적으로 서비스를 제공하는 지역 이외의 다른 회사에 개인적 서비스를 제공하고, 현장의 지휘관이 그러한 서비스를 허용한 경우, 근무 중의 상해로 인한 혜택의 책임은 그러한 의용 서비스를 허용한 소방 또는 앰뷸런스 회사(및 그 행정상 하위 지사)에 있습니다.
의용소방대원의 상해 또는 사망에 책임이 있는 행정상 하위 지사에 대한 통지서(Notice to Liable Political Subdivision of Volunteer Firefighter's Injury or Death)(양식 VF-1)를 사용해 통지하실 수 있습니다.
의용 소방대원에 대한 전체 양식 목록은 의용소방대원 및 의용 구급대원에 대한 산재보상 양식(Workers' Compensation Forms for Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers) 페이지에서 제공됩니다.
제출 마감
청구서는 사고일로부터 2년 이내 또는 사망일로부터 2년 이내에 제출하셔야 합니다.
Jak zgłosić roszczenie
Roszczenie należy zgłosić do Komisji ds. Odszkodowań Pracowniczych.
- Należy wypełnić formularz Roszczenie członka ochotniczej straży pożarnej o świadczenia (Formularz VF-3) (Volunteer Firefighter's Claim for Benefits)
Wypełniony formularz należy wysłać na adres:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
W razie pytań na temat składania Formularza VF-3 należy zadzwonić pod numer (877) 632-4996 i porozmawiać z przedstawicielem Komisji.
W ciągu 90 dni od odniesienia obrażeń należy powiadomić jedną z następujących osób:
- Urzędnika rady nadzoru w okręgu
- Urzędnika miejskiego lub gminy
- Sekretarza dystryktu straży pożarnej lub firmy
- Kontrolera finansowego lub głównego specjalistę ds. finansowych miasta
Kiedy osoba pracująca na zasadzie wolontariatu świadczy indywidualne usługi na rzecz innej firmy w stanie Nowy Jork, ale poza obszarem zwykle obsługiwanym przez jej firmę lub dystrykt, oraz po zaakceptowaniu takich usług przez oficera dowodzącego na miejscu zdarzenia, odpowiedzialność za świadczenia wynikające z odniesienia obrażeń na służbie będzie ponosić spółka straży pożarnej lub pogotowia ratunkowego (i jej jednostka administracji publicznej), które zaakceptowały taki wolontariat.
W celu powiadomienia można skorzystać z formularza Powiadomienie odpowiedzialnej jednostki administracji publicznej o obrażeniu lub śmierci członka ochotniczej straży pożarnej (Formularz VF-1) (Notice to Liable Political Subdivision of Volunteer Firefighter's Injury or Death).
Pełna lista formularzy dla członków ochotniczej straży pożarnej jest dostępna na stronie Formularze odszkodowań pracowniczych dla ochotniczej straży pożarnej i ochotniczego personelu karetki pogotowia ratunkowego (Workers' Compensation Forms for Volunteer Firefighters and Volunteer Ambulance Workers).
Termin składania wniosków
Wnioski o roszczenia należy składać w ciągu dwóch lat od wypadku lub dwóch lat od daty śmierci.
Как подать требование
Подайте требование в Совет по компенсациям работникам (WCB)
Отправьте заполненную форму почтой по адресу:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
Если у вас есть вопросы о подаче формы VF-3, позвоните по телефону (877) 632-4996, и сотрудник Совета поможет вам.
Не позднее чем через 90 дней после травмы вы должны уведомить одного из следующих должностных лиц:
- клерка наблюдательного совета округа;
- клерка города или поселка;
- секретаря пожарного участка или компании;
- ревизора или финансового руководителя города.
Когда добровольный сотрудник предлагает свои услуги другой компании в штате Нью-Йорк, работающей вне зоны, обычно обслуживаемой компанией или участком данного сотрудника, и после того как старший сотрудник на месте происшествия принял такие услуги, ответственность за выплату пособий за травму, полученную при исполнении служебных обязанностей, несет пожарная команда или компания скорой помощи (и ее политическое подразделение), которая приняла такие добровольные услуги.
Для уведомления можно использовать Уведомление ответственного политического подразделения о травме или смерти добровольного пожарного (форма VF-1)
Полный список форм для добровольных пожарных см. на странице Формы на получение компенсационных пособий для добровольных пожарных и добровольных сотрудников скорой помощи.
Срок подачи требования
Требования следует подать не позднее чем через два года после даты несчастного случая или через два года после даты смерти.
دعویٰ کیسے دائر کریں
ورکرز کمپنسیشن بورڈ کو دعویٰ دائر کریں
اپنا مکمل کردہ فارم ارسال کریں بنام:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
اگر آپ کوفارم VF-3 دائر کرنے کے بارے میں سوالات درپیش ہیں، تو براہ کرم (877) 632-4996 پر کال کریں اور بورڈ کا نمائندہ آپ کو مدد فراہم کرے گا۔
حادثہ پیش آنے کے 90 دنوں کے اندر، آپ کو درج ذیل میں ایک کو لازمی مطلع کرنا ہو گا:
- کاؤنٹی کے نگرانوں کے بورڈ کے کلرک کو
- قصبے یا دیہات کے کلرک کو
- فائر ڈسٹرکٹ یا کمپنی کے سیکرٹری کو
- شہر کے کنٹرولر یا چیف فنانشل افسر کو
جب کوئی رضاکارانہ اہلکار ریاست نیو یارک میں کسی اور کمپنی کو انفرادی سروس کی پیشکش کرتا ہے لیکن اس علاقے سے باہر جہاں اہلکار کی کمپنی یا ڈسٹرکٹ باقاعدہ خدمات فراہم کرتے ہوں، اور اس طرح کی سروسز کو جائے وقوعہ پر موجود افسر ان کمانڈ کی جانب سے قبول کیے جانے کے بعد، ڈیوٹی کے مطابق کوئی حادثہ ہونے کے نتیجے میں فوائد کی ذمہ داری اس فائر یا ایمبولینس کمپنی (اور اس کی سیاسی ذیلی تقسیم) پر ہو گی جس نے ایسی رضاکارانہ سروس قبول کی ہے۔
آپ اطلاع دینے کے لیے رضاکارانہ فائر فائٹرز کی چوٹ یا موت کا نوٹس برائے قابلیتی سیاسی ذیلی تقسیم (فارم VF-1) استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔
رضاکارانہ فائر فائٹرز کے لیے فارمز کی مکمل فہرستکارکنان کے معاوضے کے فارمز برائے رضاکارانہ فائر فائٹرز اور ایمبولینس کے رضاکار اہلکاران صفحے پر دستیاب ہیں۔.
دائر کرنے کی آخری تاریخ
کسی حادثے کے دو سال کے اندر یا موت کی تاریخ سے دو سال کے اندر دعویٰ جات لازمی دائر کرنے چاہیئیں۔
ווי אַזוי צו איינגעבן ייער טייַנע
איינגעבן אַ טייַנע מיט די אַרבעטער פֿאַרגיטיקונגס באָרד
שיקט אייער געענדיקט פֿאָרעם צו:
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
אויב איר האָט פֿראגעס וועגן דער פֿאַרענדיקונג פֿון פֿאָרעם VF-3, ביטע רופֿן די (877) 632-4996 און אַ באָרד פֿארשטייער וועט אַרוישעלפֿן אייך.
אין 90 טעג פֿון די שאָדן, איר דאַרפֿט געבן צו וויסן איינער פֿון די פֿאָלגענדע:
- באַאַמטער פֿון די ראַט פֿון פֿאַרוואַלטערן פֿוןעם קאונטי
- שטאָט אָדער דאָרף באַאַמטער
- סעקרעטאַר פֿון די פֿייער דיסטריקט אָדער געזעלשאַפֿט
- קאָנטראָללער אָדער הויפּט פֿינאַנציעל אָפֿיציר פֿון דער שטאָט
ווען אַ פֿרייַוויליקעס מיטגליד שלאָגט פאָר אַ פּערזענלעך דינסט צו אַן אַנדער פֿירמע אין ניו יארק סטעיט, אָבער אינדרויסן פֿון דער געגנט קעסיידער סערווירט דורך די פירמע אָדער דיסטריקט פֿונעם מיטגליד, און נאָך אַזאַ דינסטע זענען אנגענומען דורך די אָפֿיציר אין באַפֿעל אין דעם פּלאַץ, די פֿאַראַנטוואָרטלעכקייט פֿאַר בענעפֿיץ ריזאַלטינג פֿון אַ שאָדן אין די שורה פֿון פֿליכט וועט זיין די פֿון די פֿייער אָדער אַמבולאַנס פֿירמע (און זייַן פּאָליטיש סאַבדיוויזשאַן) וואָס האָט אנגענומען אַזאַ פֿרייַוויליקען דינסט.
איר קענט נוצן באַמערקונג צו פֿאַראַנטוואָרטלעך פּאָליטיש פֿרייַוויליקע פֿייערלעשער שאָדן אָדער טויט (פֿאָרעם VF-1) פֿאַר די באַמערקונג.
אַ פֿולשטענדיקע רשימה פֿון פֿאָרעמען פֿאַר פֿרייַוויליקע פֿייערלעשער איז בנימץאַ אויף די אַרבעטער פֿאַרגיטיקונגס פֿאָרעמען פֿאַר פֿרייַוויליקע פֿייערלעשער און פֿרייַוויליקע אַמבולאַנס אַרבעטער בלאַט.
אָפּשניט פּונט פֿאַר איינגעבן:
פֿאָדערן מוזן זיין פֿאָרגעלייגט אין צוויי יאָר פֿון אַן ומגליק אָדער צוויי יאָר פֿון די טאָג פֿון טויט.
向 Workers' Compensation Board 提交索賠
NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY, 13902-5205
如果您有關於提交表格 VF-3的問題,請撥打 (877) 632-4996,委員會的代表會協助您。
在您受傷後 90 天內,您必須告知以下人員之一:
- 縣監事會的書記員
- 鎮或村的書記員
- 消防區或公司的秘書
- 市政的審計官或首席財務官
您可使用《給責任政治分部關於志願消防員受傷或死亡的通知》(表格 VF-1)提供通知。
Cash Benefits
You are eligible for benefits when your volunteer company responds as a unit, whether the injury occurred while serving the home or providing aid to another area.
- Total disability, schedule loss of use and death benefits are fixed.
- Weekly benefits for other types of injuries are determined based on your wage-earning capacity.
- Every volunteer member is considered to have a wage-earning capacity. The Board considers the work that you could reasonably be expected to obtain based on your age, education, training and experience to determine a reasonable wage-earning capacity.
Benefits are payable from the first day of disability, with no waiting period. Necessary medical care is provided without regard to length of the disability.
The amount of the weekly cash benefit will depend on whether the disability is temporary or permanent, and the loss of the volunteer’s wage-earning capacity, which is the volunteer firefighter's disability.
Disability Classifications
Your health care provider will give you an opinion on the extent of your disability. Cash benefits are directly related to these disability classifications:
- Permanent Total Disability: Your wage-earning capacity is permanently and totally lost.
- The weekly cash benefits for all volunteer firefighters with a permanent total disability, regardless of the date of accident, is $600.
- Temporary Total Disability: Your wage-earning capacity is totally lost but only on a temporary basis.
- The weekly cash benefit for volunteers with a temporary total disability, who were injured or became ill on or after July 1, 1992, is $400.
- The weekly cash benefit for volunteers with a temporary total disability, who were injured or became ill on or after July 1, 2021, is $650.
- Note: Weekly cash benefits at the rate of $650 began on July 1, 2022.
- Temporary Partial Disability: Your wage-earning capacity is partially lost, but only on a temporary basis.
- Permanent Partial Disability: Part of your wage-earning capacity has been permanently lost.
- The weekly cash benefits for all volunteer firefighters found to have a temporary or permanent partial disability, who are injured or became ill on or after July 1, 1992 are set forth in the table below.
Loss of Wage-Earning Capacity | Weekly Benefit |
75 percent or greater | $400 |
Between 50 and 75 percent | $268 |
Between 25 and 50 percent | $30 |
Less than 25 percent | No cash benefit |
Schedule Loss of Use: This is a special category of Permanent Partial Disability, and involves loss of eyesight or hearing, loss of a part of the body or its use. Compensation is limited to a certain number of weeks, according to a schedule set by law. For instance, 25 percent loss of use of an arm is equal to 78 weeks (1/4 of 312 weeks).
Understanding Your Schedule Loss of Use Award
Disfigurement: Serious and permanent disfigurement to the face, head or neck may entitle you to compensation up to a maximum of $20,000.
Death Benefits
If a volunteer firefighter dies from a compensable injury, the surviving spouse is entitled to continuing weekly cash benefits. Dependent children under age 18, or if enrolled in an accredited educational institution, under age 25 (or other dependents as defined by law), are also entitled to weekly cash benefits. In no instance may the weekly benefit amount exceed the legal maximum, regardless of the number of dependents.
Surviving Spouse and Dependent Children Cash Benefits
Marital Status / Dependent Status | Cash Benefits |
Not remarried - no dependent children | $887 weekly cash benefit |
Not remarried - with dependent children | Smaller weekly cash benefit. Children also entitled to weekly cash benefits. |
Remarried - no dependent children | $92,219 lump sum benefit |
Remarried - with dependent children. | Surviving spouse receives a smaller lump sum benefit. Children continue to receive weekly cash benefits. |
Funeral Expenses
Funeral expenses for volunteer members are payable up to a maximum amount of $6,700. However, if a volunteer firefighter dies from injuries received in the line of duty as the direct result of firefighting, the $6,700 maximum is not applicable.
Lump Sum Benefit
A lump sum benefit of $56,000 is paid to the surviving spouse, or to the estate if there is no surviving spouse. The funeral expense and lump sum benefits are in addition to all other benefits provided.
If a beneficiary claiming death benefits as a dependent or spouse of a volunteer member dies before a determination in the beneficiary’s favor is made on the claim, all weekly benefits due from the date of death of the volunteer member up to the date of death of the eligible beneficiary will be paid to the executor or administrator of the beneficiary’s estate.
In the event of death or disability due to disease or malfunction of the heart or coronary arteries, the claim must be decided within 90 days from the time the Board receives the claim.
Medical Care
All medical care for your injury or illness is paid for by your political subdivision's insurer. This care is covered whether or not you lose time from work. It is also paid in addition to any benefits for missed wages.
Health care providers who treat you must be authorized by the Board. You can find a provider on the Board's website, or by calling (800) 781-2362. You may receive care from any of these providers or from your own doctor if your doctor is Board-authorized.
The health care provider will send the bills directly to the insurer and the Board. You do not to pay any bills unless the Board disallows your claim. If specific medical services are disputed, the insurer must pay any undisputed portion. It must also explain in writing why the services were not paid, and request any information needed to pay them.
Your health care providers may ask you to sign a Notice that You May Be Responsible for Medical Costs in the Event of Failure to Prosecute, or if Compensation Claim is Disallowed, or if Agreement Pursuant to WCL §32 is Approved (Form A-9). This states that you will pay the bills if the Board disallows the claim, or if you drop the claim before it is accepted.
Medical Treatment Guidelines
The Workers' Compensation Board has Medical Treatment Guidelines that health care providers are required to use when treating certain injuries.
These guidelines allow the health care provider to perform much of your treatment without needing to ask the insurer for authorization. However, your health care provider may still need to ask for authorization before performing certain tests or procedures.
If you or your health care provider receive a notice that a treatment authorization has been denied, you should read the notice carefully. You or your health care provider may be able to request a review of the denial, giving you the opportunity to present evidence to the Board. The Board will then determine whether the treatment should be authorized.
Preferred Provider Organizations
The workers' compensation insurance carrier or local political subdivision may use a network of providers, known as a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), to care for its members. You can choose to opt out of the PPO provider network by notifying the workers' compensation insurance carrier or your local political subdivision in writing. (A short letter specifying your intent to opt-out is all that’s needed.) You will need to wait 30 days after the initial visit to the PPO provider to seek treatment from your desired provider. The workers' compensation insurance carrier or local political subdivision has the right to require that you seek a second opinion from another PPO provider.
Diagnostic Tests
If you are required to use a specific network provider for diagnostic tests, the workers' compensation insurance carrier or local political subdivision will send you a Notice That Claimant Must Arrange for Diagnostic Tests & Examinations through a Network Provider (Form DT-1). You should inform your health care provider(s) that the insurer has this requirement.
The insurer cannot demand that you use a network provider for a diagnostic test in a medical emergency. It cannot demand that you use a network that does not have a provider or facility within a reasonable distance from your home or employment.
Pharmacy Charges
You can use any pharmacy, unless the workers' compensation insurance carrier or local political subdivision uses an independent pharmacy, pharmacy network or pharmacy benefit manager (PBM).
You should let the pharmacist know that you have a workers' compensation case. Many pharmacists will bill the insurer directly; however, the pharmacy can ask for payment of the prescription up front. If you pay for the prescription, the pharmacy can only charge the amount specified by law. You are not responsible for a co-payment.
If a workers' compensation insurance carrier or local political subdivision uses an independent pharmacy, pharmacy network or PBM, the pharmacy should either be within a reasonable distance from your home or employment or offer mail-order service. The workers' compensation insurance carrier or local political subdivision must notify you, in writing, of which local pharmacies you can use along with their locations and addresses. It must also tell you how to fill and refill prescriptions through the mail, internet, telephone or other means.
When there is a medical emergency and it is not reasonably possible to obtain the medicine you need immediately from the pharmacies in the chosen network, you can purchase the drugs elsewhere.
Network pharmacies are paid directly. You are not responsible for any charges.
Opioid Pain Medications
If you are prescribed opioid pain medications such as OxyContin, Percocet and Vicodin, among others, you should know that these medications have serious side effects, can reduce your ability to function and are highly addictive.
Continued use of opioid pain medication causes changes in the brain and results in the need for higher dosages to obtain the same level of pain relief (called tolerance). Continued use of opioids can cause increased sensitivity to pain, and may even make the pain worse.
Some common side effects of opioid use include: drowsiness, severe sedation, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, constipation, confusion and memory loss. Severe side effects can include difficulty breathing, overdose and death. Uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms (a result of developing a dependence) may occur when opioids are reduced or stopped suddenly. Normal, day-to-day functioning may become difficult. Cravings for opioids may be uncontrollable, which can lead to use of other drugs and behaviors harmful to oneself or others (called addiction). If there are concerns that opioids are harming you or your loved one, don't hesitate to get help.
Where to Get Help
If you think you may need help, you (and/or your family members) should first discuss any opioid pain medication any concerns with your physician. Your physician can recommend the right specialist. Workers' compensation insurance will pay for treatment if it is recommended by a judge or approved by your workers' compensation insurance carrier.
Contact the Board
Customer Service Toll-Free Number: (877) 632-4996
Monday through Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Language Assistance Services
Please call us at (877) 632-4996 for free language assistance services.
Llámenos al (877) 632-4996 si necesita ayuda gratis en su idioma.
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ביטע אָנקלינגען (877) 632-4996 פֿאַר פֿרײַ שפּראַך הילף באַדינען.
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ي پر کال کریں۔ 632-4996 (877) زبان سے متعلق معاونت کی مفت خدمات کے لیے براہ مہربانی ہمیں