WCB's Insurance Compliance Inquiry Web Application
Where can I find help for Insurance Compliance Inquiry?
Registered users will have access to a Users Guide. This guide will be accessible after logging in to the application.
Will the Board continue to mail cancellation reports?
No. Carriers will be able to produce a cancellation report for a policy using Insurance Compliance Inquiry.
How will questions related to the use of the application be answered?
All questions related to Insurance Compliance Inquiry should be referred to your company's registered administrator. The administrator will act as a liaison between the Board and your company.
Will we be able to view policy and coverage data that has been submitted by either our vendor or by using the Board's web POC application?
Yes. Policy and coverage data for your company or companies that has been successfully processed through our Compliance system will be available. Carriers must register each company they wish to access.
For coverage submitted using the Board's web POC application there is no delay in viewing successfully submitted transactions. The web application now processes POC "real time". You could make a correction using the web and view it using Insurance Compliance Inquiry at relatively the same time.
For coverage submitted using a vendor or direct FTP there may be a delay based on when the Board receives the POC data. Generally, we process all FTP files from vendors within 24 hours. You should be familiar with your company's procedure for submitting POC.
Are there any special considerations for POC data submitted using a vendor or the Board's web POC application?
There could be. Carriers should be aware of the impact to processing through a vendor and using our web POC application. Submitting changes through the Board's web application will not update changes, endorsements, and amendments etc with your vendor. Many carriers find it useful to make changes using the Board's web application for older policies (not on file with their vendor or not active in their company's system) and using their regular means of submission for current or recent policy terms.
Will we be able to respond to Board Compliance notices using this application?
Carriers will be able to view policy information successfully submitted to the Board and compare information from compliance notices to a carrier's policy and coverage data. Additionally, carriers will be able to view active non- compliant periods. Detailed information will be available in the Users Guide.