Multifactor authentication (MFA)
What is MFA?
MFA is an authentication method that requires the user to provide two or more verification factors to gain access to a resource such as an application or online account. Additional layers of verification beyond a username and password decrease the likelihood of unauthorized account access including stolen identity/credentials.
Why is MFA important?
The main benefit of MFA is enhancing account security by requiring users to verify their identities beyond just a username and password. MFA provides additional layers of protection for accessing sensitive information that may be stored within an OnBoard and eCase account.
Why does the New York State Workers' Compensation Board (Board) require MFA?
To better protect user information, the Board is implementing MFA to access the Workers' Compensation Board's OnBoard and eCase applications. Due to the sensitive nature of the information housed in the OnBoard and eCase applications, the Board believes implementing MFA will further protect this information and prevent any unauthorized access. Inputting MFA details will be required every seven days for users.
Scheduling and Setting up MFA
MFA will be enabled on March 21, 2025 for eCase and was enabled on March 21, 2024 for OnBoard. When accessing your account after this date, you will be required to complete the MFA once every seven days.
Upon your first login after MFA is enabled, you will be required to setup MFA. There are four methods of MFA that you can use:
- Okta Verify
- Google Authenticator
- SMS authentication
- Voice call authentication
Set up as many verification methods as possible in case you lose access to one of the MFA methods. We strongly encourage all users to set up all four factors using multiple devices:
- For SMS and voice call authentication, two different phone numbers should be used.
- For Google Authenticator and Okta Verify, two different mobile devices should be used.
Voice Call Authentication

On your computer screen, you should see the prompt above that asks you to set up your Multifactor Authentication (MFA).
- Select "Setup" under Voice Call Authentication.
- You will be asked to enter a phone number.
- After you enter your phone number, select "Call."
- You will receive a phone call. When you answer the call, a recorded voice will read out a five-digit number.
- TIP: The number will only be repeated once. Be sure to have a pen and paper ready to record the number.
- Enter the code into the "Enter Code" box.
- Select "Verify."
- You will be redirected back to the MFA enrollment screen. Notice that Voice Call Authentication is now under the Enrolled Factors heading.
- When you have set up all four MFA methods, select the Finish button.
- Note: It is highly encouraged that you set up all four verification methods in case you lose access to one of the MFA methods.

When MFA is required, you can receive a code via phone call to access your account. You will be prompted to select an authentication method that you have previously set up.
- Select the drop-down arrow next to the circle check mark.
- Select Voice Call Authentication.
- Select Call.
- When you receive the phone call with the code, enter it and select Verify.
As you complete each of the four options for MFA, you will see them under your enrolled factors . This ensures secure and reliable access. Select "Finish" to complete MFA.

Okta Verify
On your smartphone or tablet, download the Okta Verify app as follows:
- Navigate to Google Play (Android) or the App Store (Apple). Make sure your smartphone or tablet is running the latest version of the operating system (OS).
- In Google Play or the App Store, search for the Okta Verify app.
- Select the Okta Verify mobile app.
- Download and install the app.
- Once you have installed the Okta Verify app on your smartphone or tablet, navigate to the app on your device and open it.

- On your computer screen, you will see a prompt that asks you to set up your multifactor authentication (MFA).
- On your computer screen, select "Setup" under Okta Verify to begin the setup process.
- Choose either iPhone or Android depending on your device.
- TIP: If you have an Apple tablet, choose iPhone.
- Select the "Next" button.

Your computer screen will now show a dialog box with a Quick Response (QR) code in it. The QR code will appear as a square filled with black dots. The next section will have you setup the Okta verify mobile application on your smartphone by scanning the QR code from your computer screen into the Okta mobile application.

Set up the Okta Verify App on your smartphone or tablet as follows:
- Select "Get Started."
- Select "Next."
- Select "Add Account."
- Select "Other."
- Select "Yes, Ready to Scan."

Use the Okta Verify app to scan a QR code as follows:
- If you have an Android device, the app will ask for permission to use your camera. Select OK.
- If you have an Apple device, you will see a message stating that "Okta Verify Would Like to Access the Camera." Select OK.
- Point your smartphone or tablet's camera at the QR code on your computer screen. The app will automatically scan the code into your phone or tablet. Select the QR code link, if required.
- On your computer monitor, you will see the enroll screen with a pop up with a QR code.
- In the Okta Verify app, tap "Add Account."
- Point your smartphone or tablet's camera at the QR code on your computer monitor.
- After you scan the QR code, a new screen will appear on your app asking you "Allow Push Notifications?" Choose "Allow."
- After successfully scanning the QR code into your smartphone or tablet, your computer screen will indicate you have successfully scanned the code.
If you cannot use the QR code to set up Okta Verify for any reason, select the "Can't Scan?" option underneath the QR code to finish set up manually without the QR code.

Set up Okta Verify via email or SMS after selecting "Can't Scan" as follows:
- After selecting "Can't Scan" on your computer screen, you will see a screen that says, "Setup Okta Verify." On this screen, there is a drop-down list that offers the following options:
- Send activation link via email
- Send activation link via SMS
- Setup Manually Without Push Notification
- TIP: The Setup Manually Without Push Notification instructions follow below.
- Select "Send activation link via email" or "Send activation link via SMS." You will be sent a link.
- TIP: You must select the link from your smartphone or tablet.
- On your smartphone or tablet, navigate to your email or text message app to access the link. Open the email or text message you have been sent. Select the link contained in the message.
- You will be taken to the Okta Verify website.
- Select "Get Started."
- Your smartphone will connect to the Okta Verify website and verify the link. Your computer screen will indicate you have successfully scanned the code.
Set up Okta Verify Manually Without Push Notification from the "Can't Scan" drop-down list as follows:
- After selecting "Can't Scan" on your computer screen, you will see a screen that says Setup Okta Verify. On this screen, there is a drop-down list that offers the following options:
- Send activation link via email
- Send activation link via SMS
- Setup Manually Without Push Notification
- Choose "Setup Manually Without Push Notification."
- You will be taken to a screen that contains a Secret Key.
- Open your Okta Verify app.
- Select "Get Started."
- Select "Next."
- Select "Add Account."
- Select "Other."
- Choose "Enter Key Manually."
- Enter the code from your computer screen into your smartphone or tablet. On your smartphone, you will enter an Account Name (created by you) and the Secret Key that is shown on your computer screen.
- Select "Add Account."
- After the code has been verified, your computer screen will indicate you have successfully scanned the code.
- Select "Done."
Use the following instructions after you have successfully scanned a QR code or manually verified the code with your app:
- Once the QR code has been scanned or manually verified, the app will change to a screen with a six-digit code. This code will update every 30 seconds.
- After successfully setting up your Okta Verify app, your computer screen will show the enroll screen where you can set up another MFA method. The screen will now show that Okta Verify is under the Enrolled factors heading.
- When you have set up the desired number of MFA methods, select the "Finish" button.
- Note: It is highly encouraged that you set up as many verification methods as possible in case you lose access to one of the MFA methods.
- TIP: If you will be setting up an MFA method that uses a smartphone app, download the apps before you select the "Setup" button on the "Set up Multifactor Authentication" browser page. The two MFA methods that use apps are Okta Verify and Google Authenticator.
Important: Keep Okta Verify installed on your device. You'll need it to sign in the next time MFA is required.
Potential error messages and how to resolve them
- Error Message: Session has expired.
- Remedy: Customer must sign in again.
- Error Message: Token doesn't match.
- Remedy:
- Customer should check accuracy.
- Customer should select "Send" code again.
- Error Message: Found error.
- Remedy: Customer must re-input code.
- Error Message: Barcode doesn't scan.
- Remedy:
- Ensure customer's device "allowed" access to camera.
- Try alternative methods:
- "Send Activation by SMS" - Customer can input a phone number.
- "Setup manually without push" - Customer will see a temporary code.
- "Send activation email" - Customer will be sent an email to the email account used in the creation of their account.
When MFA is required, you can use the downloaded Okta Verify app to access your account. You will be prompted to select an authentication method that you have previously set up.
- Select the drop-down arrow next to the circle check mark.
- Select (Okta Verify).
- Select Send Push or enter code.
- If you selected Send Push, the push notification sent to the mobile device you have set up with Okta Verify will ask if you just signed in. Select "Yes, It's Me" to complete your authentication.
- If you selected enter code, go to your Okta Verify app on the mobile device you have set up and note the six-digit verification code that appears on the screen. If you have several accounts in Okta Verify, use the one associated to the account you want to access. The six-digit code is renewed every 30 seconds.
- Enter the code in the sign-in window and select Verify.

Google Authenticator

If you are not yet enrolled in multifactor authentication (MFA), you will be prompted to enroll when logging into an MFA-enabled application. On your computer screen, you will see a prompt that asks you to set up your MFA.
- On your smartphone, download the Google Authenticator app as follows:
- Navigate to Google Play (Android) or the App Store (Apple Device). Make sure your smartphone or tablet is running the latest version of the operating system (OS).
- In Google Play (Android) or the App Store (Apple), search for the Google Authenticator app.
- Select the Google Authenticator app.
- Download and install the app.
- Once you have installed the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone or tablet, navigate to the app on your device and open it.
- Note: App may appear slightly different depending on the version of the phone.
- On your computer screen, select "Setup" under Google Authenticator to begin the setup process.
- Choose either iPhone or Android depending on your device.
- You will be instructed to download the Google Authenticator app from the Google Play Store (Android) or the App Store (iPhone). If you have not done so already, you should download the app now.
- TIP: If you have an Apple tablet, choose iPhone.
- Select the "Next" button.

Use the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone or tablet as follows:
- After choosing Apple or Android on your computer screen, your computer screen will show a dialog box with a Quick Response (QR) code in it. The QR code will appear as a square filled with black dots.
- If you are unable to scan the QR code into your smartphone or tablet, select the "Can't Scan?" option under the QR code on your computer screen.
- If you are able to scan the QR code on your smartphone or tablet, navigate to your Google Authenticator app and open it if it is not open already.
- Select "Get Started."
- You will be given the option to either scan a QR code or enter a setup key. Choose one.
- TIP: If you cannot scan the code, select Enter a setup key. See below for the Enter a Setup Key instructions.
- If you have an Android device, the app will ask for permission to use your camera. Select "While Using the App."
- If you have an Apple device, you will see a message that "Authenticator Would Like to Access the Camera." Select OK.
- After granting your phone permission to use the camera, your mobile device's screen will show a blank screen with a square in the center.
- Point your mobile device's camera at the QR code that's on your computer screen, so that the QR code on the computer screen appears in the green box located on your mobile device's screen. The app will automatically scan the code onto your mobile device.

Use the following instructions if you selected "Enter a setup key" in the app:
- On your computer screen, you will be shown a Secret Key. This is the code you will enter in the Google Authenticator app. You will be shown a screen that contains instructions for entering a setup key.
- On your Google Authenticator app, you will see a screen to enter account details. On this screen, enter the following information:
- Your account name in the "Account name" field.
- Your Secret Key in the "Your Key" field.
- Select "Time-Based" from the "Type of Key" drop-down.
- Select the "Add" button.
Enter the code from your Google Authenticator app into your computer as follows:
- Once the app has either successfully scanned the QR code or you have successfully entered the Secret Key into the app, the app will display a screen with your username and a six-digit code. This is the code you will enter on your computer in the next steps. This code will change every 30 seconds.
- Enter the six-digit code from your app into the "Enter Code" field on your computer screen and select "Verify."
- You will be redirected back to the enroll screen where you can set up another MFA method. Notice that Google Authenticator is now under the Enrolled Factors heading.
- When you have set up the desired number of MFA methods, select the "Finish" button.
- Note: It is highly encouraged that you set up as many verification methods as possible in case you lose access to one of the MFA methods.
- TIP: If you will be setting up an MFA method that uses a phone app, download the apps before you select the "Setup" button on the "Set up multifactor authentication" browser page. The two MFA methods that use apps are Okta Verify and Google Authenticator.
Potential error messages and how to resolve them
- Error Message: Session has expired.
- Remedy: Customer must sign in again.
- Error Message: Token doesn't match.
- Remedy:
- Customer should check accuracy.
- Customer should select "Send" code again.
- Error Message: Found error.
- Remedy: Customer must re-input code.
- Error Message: Barcode doesn't scan.
- Remedy:
- Ensure customer's device "allowed" access to camera.
- Try alternative methods:
- "Send Activation by SMS" - Customer can input a phone number.
- "Setup manually without push" - Customer will see a temporary code.
- "Send activation email" - Customer will be sent an email to the email account used in the creation of their account.
When MFA is required, you can use the downloaded Google Authenticator app to access your account. You will be prompted to select an authentication method that you have previously set up.
- Select the drop-down arrow next to the circle check mark.
- Select Google Authenticator.
- Navigate to your Google Authenticator app and note the six-digit verification code that appears on the screen. If you have several accounts in the Google Authenticator, use the one associated to the account you want to access. The six-digit code is renewed every 30 seconds.
- Enter the code in the sign-in window and select Verify.

SMS Authentication

On your computer screen, you should see a prompt that asks you to set up your multifactor authentication (MFA).
- Select "Setup" under SMS Authentication.
- You will be asked to enter a phone number.
- TIP: This phone number must be capable of receiving text messages.
- After you enter your phone number, select "Send code."
- You will receive a text message with a code in it. Enter this code into the "Enter Code" box.
- Select "Verify."
- You will be redirected back to the MFA enrollment screen. Notice that SMS Authentication is now under the "Enrolled factors" heading.
- When you have set up the desired number of MFA methods, select the "Finish" button.
- Note: It is highly encouraged that you set up as many verification methods as possible in case you lose access to one of the MFA methods.

When MFA is required, you can use an SMS code to access your account. You will be prompted to select an authentication method that you have previously set up.
- Select the drop-down arrow next to the circle check mark.
- Select SMS Authentication.
- Select Send code.
- When you receive the text message with the code, enter it and select Verify.

Need Assistance?
If you have lost access to all of your authentication methods and need to reset your MFA, the account holder must contact NYS Information Technology Services (NYS ITS) Help Desk at 844-891-1786 and request an MFA reset for their account.
Adding or Updating Authentication Methods
OnBoard and eCase users may add or update authentication methods after your initial MFA setup. You must have access to at least one of your authentication methods to use the self-service option outlined below
- Sign in to .
- In the first screen, select Update My Account.
- Select "To manage OKTA MFA, please click here."
- Choose your MFA authentication method. If you previously set up multiple authentication methods you may select the arrow to toggle between them.
- You may be asked to set up some additional security verification items if this is your first time using "Update My Account." If required, finish those steps before continuing. Once finished, you will be brought to the OKTA Account Management screen where you can add and manage verification methods: