Is Workers' Compensation Coverage Required?
Generally, a New York State workers' compensation policy covers all of a firm's employees who are located within New York State. That policy also covers employees that have incidental travel and temporary work assignments outside of New York State for New York workers' compensation insurance benefits if those employees are injured outside of New York State. In some cases, an employee whose work site is located outside the state but whose employer's office is located in New York State, may be entitled to collect workers' compensation benefits in New York State. The Board may determine that the claim is subject to New York workers' compensation benefits if the employer directs and controls the out-of-state employees' work activities from the New York office, or the employer issues paychecks from the New York office.
Due to every state and nation having different thresholds as to when an outside company working in their jurisdiction needs their specific coverage, New York employers working outside of New York State, even temporarily, should check for the local workers' compensation requirements in each state or nation where the employer is conducting business.