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Board Announcements Additional Change to Schedule Loss of Use (SLU) / EC-81.7 Process

Board Announcements

November 8, 2022

On September 30, 2022, the Workers' Compensation Board (Board) implemented a new process for Schedule Loss of Use (SLU) awards as well as changes to the related EC-81.7 form. These changes are detailed below, along with an important update to the process timeframe requirements (see 3), which takes effect immediately.

  1. The online EC-81.7 form was revised to clarify and streamline the SLU process and expedite a resolution when the injured worker has a permanent impairment resulting in a SLU of one or more established body parts.
  2. The EC-81.7 now outlines the different paths a case can take for permanency resolution.
  3. [Updated] Any action (e.g., obtaining opinion of permanency, acceptance of SLU, cross-examination of physicians, etc.) by parties of interest, or requests for an extension, must be received within 75 days of the injured worker's attorney and insurer receipt.

An SLU is a cash benefit that pays injured workers for the loss of wage-earning capacity (as determined by the Board, with proper consideration of the Workers' Compensation law and the current Permanent Impairment Guidelines) resulting from a permanent functional impairment of a body part as a result of an on-the-job injury.

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