A Party of Interest (POI) is any person or organization (e.g., the insurer, claimant representative, hospital, etc.) that is placed 'on notice' for hearings and/or decisions, meaning these persons or organizations are sent notices regarding when hearings will be held and notice of decisions or resolutions.
![Party of Interest](/content/ebiz/ecase/images/party-of-interest.png)
The Who Code and Name columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order by selecting Who Code or Name. Select once to sort. Select again to reverse the sort order.
- Who Codes - POIs are divided into categories or roles described by codes. Some examples are:
- CL - claimant
- PE - primary employer
- PI - primary insurer
- A1 - claimant attorney
See a complete list of Who Codes.
- Name/Address - POI's name and address
- This area provides the phone number and email (if available) for the POI highlighted in the box above.